3 tips for looking out for your colleagues over the Christmas period
Working over the Christmas period is tough; working as a vet over the Christmas period is even tougher. Not only do you have to deal with being away from your family, but also the day-to-day stressors that come with working in a veterinary practice. As a result, the festive season can cause a lot of […]

Building emotional resilience in the workplace
Let’s be honest, working as a veterinary professional takes patience, determination and a truckload of emotional resilience. Some days will be rewarding, others will leave you drained. Sadly, that’s just the nature of the job. However, it’s how you deal with those tougher days that really counts. In this blog, our consultants offer their advice […]

3 secrets to longevity and leading a happy life as a vet
While being a veterinary professional is a highly rewarding and mentally stimulating career choice, it does, unfortunately, come hand-in-hand with psychological stress, high workloads and emotional burnout if your work-life balance is, well…unbalanced. In this blog, the Choice Vets team shares three secrets to longevity and leading a happy life. Do things that boost your […]

How to improve flexibility in the vet workplace
Would you prefer to work more flexibly as a veterinary professional? The British Veterinary Association (BVA) launched the #TimeForChange campaign to improve recruitment and retention issues within the profession due to staff shortages. This campaign encourages employers to consider implementing more flexible working for their employees in an attempt to improve job satisfaction. […]

When to let go of workplace conflict
Workplace conflicts are inevitable, but not all battles are worth fighting. In this blog, we explore key considerations to help you determine when it’s time to let go of workplace strife and move forward. Is it actually work-related? Ask yourself if the issue is going to impact the team’s performance at work or if […]

Menopause hub launched to help boost retention in the veterinary industry
The British Veterinary Association (BVA) has launched a new menopause hub in a move to keep skilled vets in the profession. It hopes improving the support available to vets impacted by menopause will help create a more positive work environment, and ultimately improve retention rates. This initiative arrives after recent data found that some 900,000 […]

Why all veterinary professionals should take up journaling
While being a vet can be incredibly rewarding, there are also days which can be emotionally draining. Whether you’ve had an overwhelmingly busy shift or had to deliver bad news to a family, the veterinary profession is a tough gig when it comes to mental health. That’s why it’s extra important to look after yourself […]

New mental health resources for veterinary professionals
A new series of mental health and wellbeing sessions are soon to be available to veterinary professionals across the UK. The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Mind Matters Initiative (MMI) and the Veterinary Management Group (VMG) came up with the initiative to help combat the worsening mental health crisis in the veterinary sector. Training will […]

Vet suicide rates: the ongoing problem
To mark National Suicide Prevention month, we wanted to raise awareness of the disproportionally high suicide rates facing the veterinary sector. Carry on reading to find out how you can help protect yours and your team’s wellbeing in the veterinary workplace. Common stressors in the veterinary sector can include: High workload Unreasonable performance expectations […]