An animal charity in Scotland says it has been inundated with calls from people wanting to give up their pets.
Out of the 4,000+ callers, the majority said the decision was due to financial struggle.
The Scottish SPCA shared that 2022 was the busiest year for its helpline thus far – with the number of calls having increased threefold since 2021.
It is believed the cost of living crisis is mainly to blame, with some owners saying they were having to choose between feeding themselves or their pet.
Chief executive of the charity, Kirsteen Campbell, said: “We saw first-hand how people were having to choose between feeding themselves or their animal, or making the heart-breaking decision to give their pet up.
“The best thing for animal welfare is to keep a human and a pet together, and that’s what our overriding ambition is through this crisis.”
In response to these calls for help, the animal charity rolled out ‘Pet Aid’ – a service that offers pet supplies, including animal food and bedding for owners grappling with rising bills and inflated grocery prices.
How can I show my support as a vet?
As a veterinary professional, you are in contact with pet owners on a regular basis and can help them make informative decisions. For example, if your client is considering getting another pet, encourage them to adopt a rescue animal. It is also important to remind them of the financial responsibilities that come with owning a pet, including food, toys and veterinary bills.
You can also show your support for pet owners in need by:
- Donating to Pet Aid
- Becoming a volunteer for Pet Aid
- Give a gift of a Virtual Box to your local food bank
- Give away unwanted pet toys and supplies
- Advertise the helpline service to pet owners who are struggling (03000 999 999)
Choice Vets supports all pet owners and veterinary professionals alike, who are struggling through the cost of living crisis – we’ll get through this together!
To speak to our team about the latest opportunities and roles in the sector, drop us an email via [email protected].

An animal charity in Scotland says it has been inundated with calls from people wanting to give up their pets.
Out of the 4,000+ callers, the majority said the decision was due to financial struggle.
The Scottish SPCA shared that 2022 was the busiest year for its helpline thus far – with the number of calls having increased threefold since 2021.
It is believed the cost of living crisis is mainly to blame, with some owners saying they were having to choose between feeding themselves or their pet.
Chief executive of the charity, Kirsteen Campbell, said: “We saw first-hand how people were having to choose between feeding themselves or their animal, or making the heart-breaking decision to give their pet up.
“The best thing for animal welfare is to keep a human and a pet together, and that’s what our overriding ambition is through this crisis.”
In response to these calls for help, the animal charity rolled out ‘Pet Aid’ – a service that offers pet supplies, including animal food and bedding for owners grappling with rising bills and inflated grocery prices.
How can I show my support as a vet?
As a veterinary professional, you are in contact with pet owners on a regular basis and can help them make informative decisions. For example, if your client is considering getting another pet, encourage them to adopt a rescue animal. It is also important to remind them of the financial responsibilities that come with owning a pet, including food, toys and veterinary bills.
You can also show your support for pet owners in need by:
- Donating to Pet Aid
- Becoming a volunteer for Pet Aid
- Give a gift of a Virtual Box to your local food bank
- Give away unwanted pet toys and supplies
- Advertise the helpline service to pet owners who are struggling (03000 999 999)
Choice Vets supports all pet owners and veterinary professionals alike, who are struggling through the cost of living crisis – we’ll get through this together!
To speak to our team about the latest opportunities and roles in the sector, drop us an email via [email protected].